Friday, September 30, 2011

Married to a Caveman

So normally I had been posting reviews of Phantom of the Opera. But, now I need to go off topic and talk about things I have had to deal with the past year or so, which explains my absence as well.
First of all, my father ended up in the ICU, I ended up having to move to where I am living outside of town about ten miles out in the country with very few neighbors and no car! I basically depend on a few and unreliable friends to get into town to get groceries or I take a cab due to the fact that this town has no other public transit!
My husband finally was able to come how (he was working overseas). By then most of my friends moved out of state, because they too hate this town.
We were finally able to get a car after about six months. With this I had hoped that things would improve. I had a plan to find a way to meet people, and hoped I would at least be able to get out for dinner once in a while. I can't drive the car for many reasons 1. I don't drive 2. It's a stick shift 3. My husband doesn't want me to drive a stick shift. Well, my husband decided that he doesn't need to take me out to dinner or anywhere unless it is to see the doctor or maybe for lunch once every nine months. I was once able to leave for a Memorial Service. Other than than, nope no where, not at all. Nor, does he think he needs to talk to me for more than five minutes every 2-3 weeks. I wish I was exaggerating, but unfortunately I am not! The only things he does is work, come home to play x-box, and then go to bed. Other than that, nothing! If I have an opinion about anything at all, especially if it's different than his I get my head bitten off. He is also an Atheist, and if I believe in anything it is alright as long as I keep my mouth shut and don't show any signs of it, so I also now (didn't when I married him) have to hide that. It is also my B-day and he decided to leave for the night, he doesn't have to say when he'll be back, where he is going or what he is doing; if I ask I am being paranoid and controlling, but I have to tell him what DVD I am watching while he is gone!
Before anyone asks, I considered leaving him, but I have cats that are like my children, I have no job, no way to get one living in the hell-hole, I have no family I can depend on. He has never laid a hand on me nor would he ever. But, I can't continue living in this situation! I feel like I am nothing and like if the few people who knew me found out if I was dead they wouldn't even care, I look forward to seeing them every 2-3 weeks they can spare 5 minutes, but they normally cancel. I live with someone (my husband), but I feel more alone now then when he wasn't here. I also feel like all these people must think I am not human, because I can't see treating a human being like they can be thrown away like this. I seriously need advice and can't find another place to ask it. I am not even allowed to leave to talk to a religious leader for help, and this is a small town, so talking to anyone else isn't even possible! I am feeling seriously trapped and suffocating and am starting to worry about my well-being.


  1. I think you should leave him if this is the case, cats or no cats. But I think you should talk to him about his behaviour first.
