Saturday, March 6, 2010

Angel of Music [2009]

Angel of Music [2009]:
01). Eric/ Erik… Doug Kisgen
02). Kristen/ Christine… Lisa J. Mader.
03). Raymond/ Raoul… Jordan Baranowski.
04). Persing/ The Persian… John Redmond.

I have having to interrupt my normal order of reviewing do to the fact that I managed to lay hands on a copy of the movie “Angel of Music”. This isn’t a normal movie, but a student film actually. It was actually very well filmed. I was amazed at the quality of the sounds/costumes and CGI in it.
The story of it, is a sort of Phantom of the Opera meets The Da Vinci Code. It takes place modern day, but flashes back to when the novel originally took place. There is a cult surrounding the story of Phantom and trying to either protect or destroy the bloodline, it isn’t clear until the end that they are destroying it. Why I am not to sure of, they never give a reason.
The modern day story is extremely shaky, doesn’t make much sense at all. Which is unfortunate because it is the story that dominates the movie. The flashbacks to the original novel, are actually quite good. I really enjoyed seeing those. Especially the scenes that never have made the film before.
It is unfortunate that he didn’t keep to the original story to begin with because otherwise it would have been truly phenomenal. It would have been a must see and have for most phans. I do need to say that they get bonus points for including the Persian in this movie. We also never see Erik’s face in this movie, which is fine. The Charles Dance movie does the same thing, and doing the deformity the way it is suppose to be is not an easy task.
This is not one of my favorite Phantom movies. There are a lot better when it comes to story line. But, this one still beats Love Never Dies, by a mile! It does remain true to the characters in the story. Actually all that they would need to do to have it make more sense is to add a supernatural element to it… “Have Erik of actually been born of a Fossegrim (and old legend that possibly inspired the Angel of Music legend) and they are trying to protect his bloodline because of that. Just that little bit would of improved it a lot.
Also, I am extending these reviews this month because of the opening of LND I am watching as many of the movies as possible. Just my own personal thing. I will also be added to the list another one in which I have not seen but has been around for a while… The Phantom of the Paradise. It is actually suppose to be good and have a decent cult following, if you know what it is you are watching.

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