The Phantom of the Opera [2004]:
01). The Phantom… Gerard Butler.
02). Christine Daaé… Emmy Rossum.
03). Raoul, le Vicomte de Chagny… Patrick Wilson.
I know I said it was going to be Ye Ban Ge Shen but, we decided to go with this one first. Next time it will be Ye Ban Ge Shen. Now for the review of The Phantom of the Opera [2004]… or the fluffy white shirt review.
I will leave out my historical inaccuracy nitpicks this time around. They have been said time and time again. I also don’t want to be annoying.
We start out with the auction seen. Older Raoul is there to bid on the music box. Madame Giry is there as well. Ok, I got to say it… why is he a Vicomte when at the end of the movie Christine is a Comtess? I love the overture with the full orchestra. The sound is wonderful, especially with a sound system. It’s now 1870 according to Andrew Lloyd Webber ten years later (in his sequel) it will be 1907! Or the dates in the stage production say this takes place in 1880’s still ten years later is NOT 1907! I am bad at math, but this just doesn’t add up for me. OK, now I am done (this is what happens if the movie gets paused)!
Messrs. André and Firmin show up, and walk through the opera. I love how Raoul drives his own carriage in this, it says something about his character to me. That he prefers doing things himself instead of being waited on. It’s also a nice allusion to the 1990 Charles Dance movie. Minnie Driver is spectacular in this movie. Poor Piangi never makes up onto the elephant. “Grovel, Grovel Grovel!” That’s an allusion to Joseph, And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I really do miss the fedora on the phantom. Why is his wax seal so huge? Wouldn’t it be hilarious if when the phantom leaves at the end of the movie he went to Australia?
I love the dress she wears for Think of Me here. It’s based off of the one worn by Elisabeth of Bavaria. The camera spins to the cellars where the phantom stands listening a la Claude Rains. Carlotta’s reaction to Christine’s success is hilarious. That’s a lot of roses in Christine’s dressing room. I love how Raoul just takes the flowers from M. Firmin. The portrait of Carlotta has a severed head laying on the plate she is holding, the severed his is that of Andrew Lloyd Webber.
I wish they let him put some more sarcasm behind “brave young suitor” I prefer my phantoms extremely sarcastic. The moving arms in this sequence is interesting based off of Le Belle et la Bête, which the Phantom story is very similar to, obviously. We also have César, the horse in this movie. They do cut out my favorite line from this song “In all your fantasies…”
No wonder he is insane by the time you get all those candles lit one goes out and you have to start all over again. Once I looked at various incarnations of the Phantom throughout time, I have come to believe that this one is the most psychotic one. I always like looking at his lair to see what he has laying around trying to spot something new each time. I love how the “be” echoes. I keep expecting a pipe organ to start playing after MOTN is done, but that’s not in here.
Meg shrieks at finding rats, I think they need to go and tell the rat catcher to do a better job. Joseph Buquet scareing the chorus girls with stories of the Phantom. Madame Giry warns him about talking about him, and slaps him one the face, which gives me a chuckles. I don’t know why.
Christine wakes up. Stockingless, someone please explain that! The Phantom composing his Don Juan. Looking rather smug. I like his smoking jacket, but I do miss the kimono. Darn, didn’t notice anything new in his lair this time.
I find it interesting that it is Raoul’s eye that goes yellow, when in the novel it is Erik’s eyes that are yellow.
I love the managers they can be so comical at times. “Wrote…written” I find the black lines around his notes interesting, in the Victorian days that meant that you were mourning someone. Who is it that he is mourning or is this just a coincidence? I do like that Carlotta is more interested in the puppies than the diamonds. That’s one characteristic I like about her. The two managers with their “scrap metal” make me laugh. Joseph Buquet spots the Phantom and starts to stalk him, as Carlotta “cro-acks” like a toad. I get a kick out of that dude who doesn’t get off of the stage in time. I always did love the sylvan glade scene. I swear I see him smile as Joseph Buquet dies. Apparently it’s just me though.
I love Christine’s cloak in the Rooftop scene. Raoul is so loving in this scene, the way he puts his arms around her. Patrick Wilson played the role spectacularly, and only one other person has beaten him (that I have seen) and that is Sean MacLaughlin. I also am arguing more on the side of Raoul in the ALW Phantom now, due to what I have heard about what is going on in Love Never Dies. Then the Phantom’s reaction after overhearing, done very well. I love how his cloak billows out. Feels cool when it happens to you as well.
I love the fireworks over the Opera. It’s even better at the Las Vegas production because it is live! I am really not fond of the costumes in the Masquerade scene I much prefer the stage costumes and Monkey Girl!Why is there someone vogue-ing? We also have the Cats pose. I do like Raoul’s hussar costume, that one is really nice. I also believe that they should have had Christine dance with the group as well. She doesn’t strike me as the type who can sit out and watch people perform.
The Red Death is also a costume I prefer the stage version of, because it is far more menacing and elaborate. He also seems to have a magical musical score pocket as well, or he is the most talented magician because the Don Juan appeared out of no where. His quivering chin when he sees Christine is sad to see. Raoul goes down after him into the mirror room which is an allusion to the book. Madame Giry helps him out, and tells him the background story of the Phantom. I am not fond of this version of it. I much prefer the background being him working for the Shah of Persia, it honestly explains his personality better.
I love the scene with the stage it is one of the most beautiful shots in this movie. Why didn’t Raoul sleep with his back against the door so he would notice if it opened? I also love the Phantom’s cloak here very reminiscent of the Don Juan from the stage version. Yes, I am obsessed with his clothing apparently. Probably because he tends to always have something nice and elaborate. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again is one of my favorite songs, it has a lot of meaning to me. I also believe Emmy sings it beautifully. I really wish they would of added him playing a violin here. Swordfight! I love that they added a swordfight. That’s also a really heavy cloak that the Phantom is wearing, I know, I tried it on! Long story.
What is it with opened up white fluffy shirts on the men in this movie anyways? Oh yeah. Joel Schumacher. Never mind. But still, the last half of the movie has someone in just that. I always loved the “Seal My Fate” sequence. It sticks in the head. I also think of a great phlub I read about once.
How does no one notice Piangi is now taller and has lost a lot of weight? I love how she sings the lyrics “consume us…” so much power behind it. The look on Raoul’s face at this moment is as heart wrenching as the Phantom’s earlier. Interesting. In the stage version some Christine react when he begins singing the All I Ask Of You reprise. In the movie it is Raoul who reacts and not Christine! I just noticed that and I find it very interesting. Intriguing really. For all those who don’t like Raoul, right here is proof the he is a man with a big heart, he feels bad for what he did to the Phantom. Even though, he is trying to rescue Christine, he still feels bad. So STOP CALLING HIM A FOP!!!!
Deformity rant: It’s actually not that bad, nor is it frightening. He looks like he just got burned, that’s all. Tons of people around Paris had that issue. He wouldn’t stand out. They really should of made it worse.
Poor Piangi, I actually like Piangi. He stood up to the Phantom when he insulted Carlotta, he also can be funny.
Raoul falls into the water, at least he made it down faster. We also have more white fluffy shirts. Once again they should of allowed him to be more sarcastic. Gerard Butler is naturally sarcastic so he should have been able to do it. The Phantom ties Raoul to the portcullis. Poor Patrick Wilson, Gerard Butler tugged a little to hard on the rope during that last pull and almost choked Patrick while filming this movie.
His face when she returns the ring seems to have hope on it. Then she turns to leave and you can see that hope dwindle. The breaking of all the mirrors. Why does he have so many mirrors? That one just doesn’t make sense to me. Now Meg is wearing a fluffy white shirt?! Her pants also dry from the water in seconds, I want that material for that rainy day.
The older Vicomte is now visiting the grave of Christine, Le Comtess de Chagny. He leaves the music box for her and sees the rose with the ring on it. His face seems shocked as he looks around. The end.
Thanks for reading the fluffy white shirt review. Next time will be Ye Ban Ge Shen (The Phantom Lover) from 1997
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