Friday, November 6, 2009


Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. It's the only one for me that doesn't bring bad memories. This year was interesting to say the least. But, even with all that happened I still managed to have a good time.
A friend of mine and myself went out to lunch at a pool hall here in town. He was dressed as a muskateer, and I wore an 18th Century gown made of red velvet. Well, I live in Georgia. Where in October the temperature here was 85 degrees! It was actually cold in my house, car and at the pool hall. So it wasn't a big deal. The pool hall is actually kind of interesting because it use to be a dance hall. So it has a lot of windows on one side and the rest of it is surrounded by mirrors. It was interesting trying to play pool in hoops and a corset. I failed miserable and to the amusement of my friend and myself.
When we got home we discovered that our Air Conditioning had broken. So we tried fixing it. Well, it never started working again. So now we have people 2 minutes away from the house for a halloween party and no air conditioning! In Georgia heat! It wasn't too long before everyone was miserable from the heat, and the party ended up being watching a movie on the television, and then sitting around outside listening to Tanz Der Vampire, while sipping pina colada's.
It felt more like a party in August then it did a halloween party. Perhaps I shall try a halloween party in December for a more proper feel.
Our air conditioning still isn't up and running. It is going to cost at least $4,000 to get it fixed. Until then I am just sitting around screaming "Heat! Intolerable heat!" I was not born in a warm climate nor do I have the ability to sweat because of a condition I was born with. Unfortunately there are no pictures of my costume. I needed to change before I got the chance to take photos. I may do so later.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Phantom of the Opera Review - Part 2

Please read the other one first...

The Phantom of the Opera
Belk Theatre Charlotte, NC
Saturday June 20th 2009

Well the second time around Tim Martin Gleason did bring me to tearing up. I did enjoy it just as much this time as I did yesterday. Which answers the question of "Can you see it too many times?" with a resounding "NO!"
Announcement: Passarino was played by Michael Scott Harris this time instead of Stephan Trafton.

Prologue / Overture: This time around, the auctioneer (Andrew Varela) was much more dramatic than last night. I also enjoyed how the Auctioneer seems to speak about the story of the Phantom of the Opera, as if he himself experienced the events as well. Again the blinding crack before it starts. I heard a few startled people around me, which was interesting. I always enjoy hearing that.

Think Of Me: People always laugh at Carlotta singing with that head. Again I couldn't take my eyes off of the slave master. I love how Monsieur Reyer only shows Christine the score for only a second before shutting it quickly. I noticed that there was writing on the back of the curtain, and could not figure out what it says. This will drive me nuts!

Angel Of Music: Again when Madame Giry comes to tell Meg that she should be practicing, I noticed that both Meg and Christine seemed to snap into attention at her entrance. I also love Meg's "Practice, always practice" spoken after she is out of earshot of Madame Giry. When Raoul enters, he seems to be scolding her for a moment for seeming to have forgotten 'the boy who went into the sea to fetch her scarf.' I liked how Christine really seemed to be asking her 'Angel of Music' to be taking her with him. Of course, he obliged.

Title Song: The Phantom seemed to be saying the "Sing, my Angel of Music…" part this time in a more yelling manner opposite to last night's performance. Christine's candenza was beautiful.

The Music of the Night: I noticed a much livelier audience tonight, which is awesome. But, please, let the man finish the note first! Everyone was clapping before he could finish the note at the end of Music of the Night.

I Remember/ Stranger Than You Dreamt It: When Christine began singing, she reached over to the monkey music box, as if to snooze it. I got a kick out of that. Then, when she was trying to remove his mask, after the first few tries, she seemed to get annoyed. Then, when she does, they both scream and she tries to run away, then finds herself face to face with the mirror bride, which is what makes her fall to the ground. Again, a lot of emotion from the Phantom.

Magical Lasso / Notes/ Prima Donna: I noticed how Buquet was laughing and enjoying scaring the Ballet Girls with his story of the Opera Ghost. I noticed this time that, when everyone turns away from the desk, Meg begins looking through the letters, then Raoul turns around and she suddenly stops. Once he turns back around, she begins looking through them once again. Also, Madame Giry wanting her to stay close to her. I also noticed that when Meg seemed to be worried about Christine, Raoul was willing to comfort her, caring about Christine's friends as well. That was a nice touch.

Il Muto: After the Phantom interrupts the performance the first time, and Carlotta begins her part again, when she notices that Christine was already out of her disguise, she looks and sounds worried for a moment and then continues. I liked that touch. I also like the little leg shake that she does when they are suppose to be kissing.

All I Ask Of You/ I Gave You My Music: Again, you can really tell that Raoul and Christine are in love. She seems so excited about the idea of leaving with Raoul after the performance, and the little giggles that they do. I also love how during the song, Sean MacLaughlin goes on one knee for her. Also how he sings "Christine, I love you" holding his arms out to her, and sounding so excited about it. Then the pain, and tears from the Phantom, and he holds his hands to his ears to block out the sound. Then his words of 'No' before he goes into his rage and drops the chandelier, which… holy crap it hit something before landing on the stage, is that suppose to happen?! I didn't think so? That seemed a little low at first!

Entr'Acte/ Masquerade/ Why So Silent: I couldn't help overhearing during the Intermission someone talking about a friend sitting below that had not seen the performance before and thought the chandelier was going to hit them. I loved how monkey girl stole Christine's mask. There were many 'awes' from some of the people around me during this sequence as well. I always used to love watching the Phantom's feathers on his hat, but due to an un-named someone that is not where my eyes ended up. Piangi's costume is really cool as well.

Madame Giry's Tale/Notes II/ Don Juan Rehearsal: Again, I wish the movie had kept the full background of the Phantom the way the stage version does. I much prefer that. I noticed Michael MacCoy (Monsieur Firmin) running onto stage quickly to get into position this time. I like how Christine seems to be near passing out during 'Twisted Every Way', and the way Tonna Miller (Carlotta) says 'She's mad'. During the 'Don Juan Rehearsal', I liked when Madame Giry said 'Are you so sure of THAT signora' to Carlotta about the composer not being there, how Piangi looked around checking to see if he was or wasn't.

Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again/ Bravo Monsieur: I liked the way Christine tossed the scarf down during "Too many years fighting back tears" The way she turned and motioned to her father's grave during "Why can't the past just die!". During 'Bravo Monsieur', the fireballs didn't seems to go towards backstage this time. It could be due to the fact that I was at a different angle. Or not.

Seal My Fate/ Don Juan: I don't know why, but, last night and tonight, the gunfire startled me. I knew it were coming, but it still startled me. Again, I love Carlotta's costume during this scene.

The Point Of No Return: I noticed this time, that the Phantom tries taking away the apple from Christine earlier, but she doesn't let him. When he finally does, he hands her the wine glass and she starts to drink from it. This time, Christine's Aminta reminded me a lot more of Carmen! Wow, she moves her hands along her body more this time, and so did the Phantom. Then they reversed this when she began singing. Wow. It did get steamed up more this time!!! Then, she removes his hood revealing who he is. Then he sings for her his wishes, and she removes his mask. He screams, and takes her away, and then more startling gunfire. They discover that Piangi is dead.

Final Lair: I believe I was much more emotional this time around knowing that I had to fly back tomorrow instead of being able to see it again. So the final lair really did seem like a final lair to me. I noticed the rat catcher run by this time! I had also noticed people grabbing the clothing Raoul had to remove to jump into the lake.
Tim Martin Gleason had more sarcasm about him this time, I love it when they do that. Again you don't notice him grab the 'punjab lasso' to hang Raoul with. Then when Christine kisses him everyone gets a shock! At the end of the kiss she seemed to move her head back a little so it almost seemed as if his head was in her chest. I believe she also kissed him on the forehead (reminiscent of the book)! I loved that touch! I always wondered about that. I love how the Phantom seems to go from wanting to kill Raoul to immediately wanting to save him. But, the hurt when Christine believes he is going to kill him after the kiss, just gets to me. Once he is finished singing "It's over now, the Music of the Night" The entire audience is clapping, then quiets as people come down the portcullis. Then Meg holds out the mask. I could actually hear other people sniffling, along with myself. I was glad I wasn't alone in that.

Phantom… Tim Martin Gleason.
Christine… Kelly Jeanne Grant.
Raoul… Sean MacLaughlin.
Monsieur Andre… D.C. Anderson.
Monsieur Firmin… Michael MacCoy.
Carlotta Guidicelli… Tonna Miller.
Ubaldo Piangi… John Whitney.
Madame Giry… Nancy Hess.
Meg Giry… Jessi Ehrlich.

The Phantom of the Opera Review - Part 1

The Phantom of the Opera
Belk Theatre Charlotte, North Carolina
Friday June 19th 2009

Well I went and saw 'The Phantom of the Opera' again this Friday. It was spectacular! I had seen it in Las Vegas last year, but it went by so fast, and I got a little distracted by the wonderful effects of the show. I do recommend seeing it though.
It was nice to see the full performance again, I do have to say. I hadn't seen the full show since September of 2005 with Gary Mauer as the Phantom and Marie Danvers as Christine at the Fabulous Fox in Atlanta. For me, that is a long break between Phantom performances. Anyways, on to the performance of Friday night.

The Prologue is always interesting, because it is what begins the show. I always get that unexplainable feeling when the Prologue starts, no matter how many times I see it.
The Overture that bang and then the overture, watching the chandelier rise, as the theatre changes from a place where they auction things off to 30 years earlier when the show takes place! I also took a moment to admire the beautiful chandelier and wonderful work put into it. Also trying to pick out some of the beads due to the fact that I have some of the beads from the Broadway production at home. (I am typing this from my hotel room, because of lack of anything else to do).

Hannibal rehearsal/Think of Me The beginning of this is the introduction to La Carlotta played by Tonna Miller. She does have a very nice voice, I enjoyed listening to her. Which is what I prefer when I listen to Carlotta. I usually love watching the ballet girls during this sequence (I used to dance, and sometimes like knowing the moves, that's why, and I do know most of it) but, this time I couldn't take my eyes off of the Slave Master (Kfir), he seems to really steal the show at this moment! Then we also have the introduction of the new manager Monsieur Firmin (Michael MacCoy) and Monsieur Andre (D.C. Anderson). I loved watching them during Carlotta rendition of Think Of Me because she slightly touched Monsieur Andre, who acted so excited by this and it seemed that Monsieur Firmin had to calm him down! I loved it!
Then we also have Christine's Think Of Me. Christine was played by Kelly Jeanne Grant. I loved Kelly Jeanne Grant's Christine, she played her with a lot of emotion into it, and you could really feel for her.
During the beginning of this song you could really see her gain her courage to sing the role of Elissa. Then when Raoul played by Sean MacLaughlin begins singing, I loved his voice. But, when he looks out into the audience, it seemed that he looked right to were I was seated, that was cool.

Angel Of Music/ Little Lotte/ Angel Of Music (Reprise) This is when I start getting excited, we hear the Phantom saying softly "Bravi, Bravi, Bravissimi" to her. Then Meg, played by Jessi Ehrlich, comes out, singing to Christine. They sing together Jessi Ehrlich has a nice strong voice! When Madame Giry comes in to tell Meg that she should be rehearsing Meg mentions something about the rehearsal's, acting the way a daughter should. I liked that. Then the Phantom shows up. I love the sound of his voice echoing in the theatre, as he slowly becomes visible during the end of the song.

Title Song They did seem to rock this up a bit, or it has just been a while for me. There seemed to be more drums and guitar? Oh, well. I took some time to admire the Phantom cloak during this, I absolutely love that cloak! During the Phantom's "Sing, my Angel…" part he doesn't just yell it, he yells it with passion!

The Music of the Night Ah, my favorite. Tim Martin Gleason doesn't do the normal caresses that most have done, but he most certainly make up for it with passion, that man plays the Phantom so passionately! He just blew me away, and this is the sixth time I have seen this in my life! I have seen many Phantom's, but, wow! When he is leaned against the portcullis, and she goes up to him he seems to shorten the word "night" as if he was shocked that she was so close to him, I likes that. After he shows her the mirror bride, and she passes out, he seems to stand there not knowing what to do, then it hits him cover her up with the cloak. I really liked that.

I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt It I used to wonder how the pipe organ never woke her up, but the monkey music box did. But, then I once slept through a thunderstorm, and many other things one night, and got woken up by a cat sneeze on the other side of the house, so, yes, this IS possible. I also notice Tim Martin Gleason directing, just ever so slightly while composing his "Don Juan": that was a good touch.
Another thing to note is his Kimono. This is my favorite costume of the Phantom's. I don't know why, but I just love this Kimono. I don't know if they are all made the same or not, but this one seems to highly resemble the one worn by Gary Mauer and Michael Crawford. Just a note from a 'Phantom's Kimono Fan'.
His rage, and her fear, once she removes the mask, I really noted the fear in Christine. Then his sorrow, Tim Martin Gleason is really wonderful at the sorrow part. It is rare to see a Phantom that does this so well. He almost had me tearing up during this. He said "Christine… oh, Christine…" Then you could hear him crying during this part, it really moved me. When he reached out to touch her after he got his mask back, he stopped and then said softly "no". Then grabbed her hand to take her back to the Opera.

Magical Lasso I couldn't help noticing the Phantom returning Christine, this time. Did I always miss this or was it just visible to me better this time? Wow.

Notes/Prima Donna Ah, the Managers. They are always fun to watch! My favorite is always the 'Wrote…Written" part. I liked how Michael MacCoy says the latter part as a question. Also during Prima Donna, Madame Giry (Nancy Hess) talking with Raoul, and Meg looking through the notes that everyone had gotten.

Il Muto I probably would have enjoyed this better, and paid better attention, but the person next to me "Had" to get out their blackberry and start texting at the moment. Whatever you do, do NOT do this! People pay good money to go and see this! Turn off the blackberry/cellphones! This is rude to the people around you, and it is rude to ALL the performers who work very hard at their jobs to give you this wonderful show! Urgh! I did manage to have a little fun at spotting where the Phantom was during this sequence.
Then after Carlotta does the cro-ack. (as written in the book), and leaves the stage. Monsieur Andre announces that Christine will now be singing the role of the Countess, some of the scenery drops (as it is suppose to) and he acts really jumpy and saying "what's that!?" during this then, having to repeat "The ballet" a couple of times was fun to watch.
Like I said earlier I used to dance, so I always enjoy the ballet sequence here. Then poor Joseph Buquet gets killed.

Apollo's Lyre Sean MacLaughlin really makes a person think Christine made the right choice in the end. He plays Raoul very caring, and worried about her. He really does seem to love her. They both played this scene with so much passion, you could really see that they truly did love each other, very much. You almost start hoping that they are able to leave, to be married then….
Tim Martin Gleason, as the Phantom makes, you feel his heartache at overhearing this, his cries of pain. Make you hurt for the Phantom. Then into the rage! As he drops the chandelier! Wait! Did that chandelier just fall faster than it used to?! Awesome!

Intermission/Entr'Acte During the intermission, I made sure that no one had tried to call or text. I also had a nice conversation with one of the ushers that worked at the theatre. She mention not getting a chance to ever look at the brochures yet, so I handed her mine so she could. I also got to have a nice conversation with the people sitting next to me. They didn't realize that it was supposed to be Raoul during the Prologue so I explained it to them. They had just seen Wicked in New York and highly recommended it. I wish I could. Then the Entr'Acte starts. I love listening to the sequence of music. You expect falling chandeliers at the performance, but not to get hit by falling playbills from the balcony above (as I did)!

Masquerade/Why So Silent? The beginning of Masquerade is always fun to watch and listen to the people reactions at the Managers costumes! The skeleton one is cool. During this sequence I enjoy watching one of my favorite minor characters… Monkey Girl! I am glad I did this time. I saw her steal Christine's mask, and dance away with it, then following Raoul while wearing it during Christine and Raoul's argument. The… Red Death! Thanks to a certain, un-named person, I now always check out the darned codpiece! I used to always watch the feathers! The Red Death costume is my second favorite costume of the Phantom's. I have a lot of respect for him in wearing this, because I know that lack of vision during it, and having to walk down those steps.

Madame Giry's Tale/ Notes II/ Don Juan Rehearsal I always preferred the stage version of this because it mentions his time in Persia. This to me explains a lot more of who he is, and why. It was nice hearing Nancy Hess sing the part that she does, during the song, it is one of my favorite Madame Giry moments.
Notes II, watching everyone try to pressure Christine into singing the lead in the Phantom's Opera, and Raoul defend her the way he did, I really enjoyed. Both Sean MacLaughlin and Kelly Jeanne Grant played this scene very well.
During Don Juan Rehearsal, I have two words… laughing man! I love listening to the laughing man during this. Piangi is also fun during this scene. If I didn't mention it before, Piangi is played by John Whitney. Piangi is also one of my favorite characters as well, and John Whitney is marvelous!

Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again / Bravo Monsieur This is the time for Kelly Jeanne Grant to really shine, Christine's Aria. This is where I really pay attention because I absolutely love the costume used in this scene. The song is also beautiful, and speaks to me greatly. This song needs to be sung with such passion and longing, and Kelly Jeanne Grant does just that. I also liked the repeat in "Help me say, Goodbye". I always prefer the song with that repeat and octave up on the word "bye".
Then the Phantom's entrance, and I admire his hat (Yes, yes, I have a weird thing with his wardrobe). This is also one of my favorite scenes. Then Raoul's entrance, and the fireballs start shooting…into the back stage area! I don't know if they are supposed to, I always thought more towards Raoul, but then again, I may be wrong. Now, I was sitting in the Mezzanine area, just above the Grand Tier, and below the balcony, and I could feel the heat from the fireballs, and the other fire that happens at the front of the stage!

Seal My Fate/Don Juan Triumphant/The Point Of No Return I love spotting the Phantom in the box seat during this song, and the line "For once the Vicomte is right." Then he goes into the "Seal my fate tonight…" bit. I also will never forget the words of this song done by Peter Karrie! Which can be distracting at times.
I enjoy watching the little dance that Meg does during this sequence. This also has my favorite Carlotta costume in it as well.
Ah, the lovely Point Of No Return or abbreviated PONR! The first time I saw that I was like "What!" because I am slightly dyslexic! Not just for that but all the time, that just makes it worse!
I love the way the Phantom shuts the curtains in this, I don't know why. Also the hands are always something I watch. The way he stands over her while she is sitting on the bench is very cool, especially in that black cloak/robe (whatever it's called). This is also my second favorite Christine outfit. My favorite part of this performance was when Aminta (Christine) was singing, and put her arms around the Phantom, then discovers who it is trying, to run off stage, and he grabs her and they begin their duet. Until she reveals who it is… the Phantom. She is told to stay on stage, and he tries to leave as well, but is unable to. Then he sings to her again. He seems to be pleading for her love (a la Leroux Erik). I loved how he did that. Then he puts the ring on her finger and she rips his mask off. He seemed to almost be ashamed at being unmasked in front of everyone, not angered, but ashamed, that was different, and heartbreaking, again.
Then he takes her away to the lair once again. Piangi's body is revealed (Poor, Piangi, why does it have to be Piangi? I like him!). Madame Giry tells Raoul to follow her.

Final Lair Christine's fear in her voice when she asks "Am I now to be prey to your lust for flesh?" was amazing, I hadn't heard it quite like that before. Then the Phantom's anger and hurt at the question really showed through. Then when Raoul shows up, he seemed to have a bit of sarcasm going, which I enjoyed. (I always enjoy a sarcastic Phantom!) When Tim Martin Gleason went to grab the "Punjab Lasso" to hang Raoul with, I barely noticed him grabbing it so it would be surprising. After Christine's "I gave my mind blindly", the Phantom jumped and leaned over her quickly, and she gasped in fear. The way that he had a growl in his voice, as he softly said "You try my patience" then a long pause before "make… your… choice" said the same way with pauses in between was just phenomenal! Then is the kiss. Afterwards, he stands there shocked, then he turns and looks at Raoul standing there with the noose around his neck, and something I haven't heard before: he says "no" in a worried way. He went from wanting to kill Raoul, to now hurrying to save his life! When he grabs the candle and walks over to Raoul, Christine turns her back to them worried that he is now going to kill Raoul. The Phantom looks at her, shocked. Then burns the rope to release Raoul. Christine and Raoul embrace, and the Phantom turns to look away, in pain. Christine and Raoul then stand there watching the Phantom as he tells them to leave, over and over again. Finally they do, and he is left alone with his monkey music box. As it starts playing, he walks over to it, and kneels before it. He claps with it, almost child like (another quality which can be found in Leroux Erik. Did Tim Martin Gleason read the book. Damn, I should have asked!) Then Christine returns, and stands he up and straightens his clothing, then walks to her. As she leaves the second time, she, too, is now crying. The Phantom cries his words of "I love you" over and over again. Then holds to him her veil. Then he walks over to the chair, and sings "It's over now the music of the night". He disappears into the chair (I could put more here but I don't want to spoil some thing for others). Meg finds left there only the mask.

Curtain Call / Stage Door The applause immediately was loud, and managed to get even louder when Michael MacCoy, Tonna Miller, D.C. Anderson, Jessi Ehrlich, Nancy Hess appeared. Then even louder when Kelly Jeanne Grant, Sean MacLaughlin showed up. When Tim Martin Gleason walked out, there were hoots and hollers! All were well deserved, along with a standing ovation!
I managed to get to the stage door, and get a few autographs. I got John Whitney's (whoo hoo a Piangi!) and Kelly Jeanne Grant's ,which I was glad of. I also got Tim Martin Gleason's three times (on accident). I had him sign the playbill, while I asked if I could get something special signed, he also signed my souvenir brochure, which was fine. I managed to get him to sign a mask that I had (a Phantom mask). Which I will now treasure forever!
After that I left because I was by myself and still had to walk an unknown area alone (sort of, I had my room mate on the phone), and I was in pain because of a tumble down an escalator (literally from the top to the bottom) that I took in Atlanta, so I just needed sleep. I also will be going back to see it again tomorrow. There will be another Blog about that one too.

Re- Introduction

I know irrationalizations isn't a word. But, I have a habit of making up words and I do know that they are not words. It's just something that I do.
I decided to start another introduction post. There really isn't much to say. I am 29 and am aspiring to be an author. I have various stories I wish to tell, for various reasons.

-The first is one that I had been meaning to write for some years now. Trying to fulfill one of my dreams.
- The next is more romantic, based off of a poem I love.
- The third is going to be very dark and based off of real people

I also have an interest in photography, so I may be posting some of my pictures. I also wish to use this as a place to put some of my reviews for some things. If I hear something that annoys me I will possibly be using this as a place to vent as well.
That's all for now,